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Privacy Policy

We will be a company that heeds your comments and feedback
and gives back to society.

General Rules

To protect the liberty and the rights of the owner of the information, HD Hyundai Construction Equipment Co. Ltd. (hereinafter the Company) lawfully processes and safely manages the personal information in compliance with the Personal Information Protection Act and the related laws.
Accordingly, we formulated and disclosed the Personal Information Processing Policy as follows to inform the information owner of the procedures and the standards for the processing and the protection of personal information and to promptly and effectively address relevant grievances.

01Items of Personal Information Processing

02Purpose of Processing Personal Information

03Period of Processing and Retaining Personal Information

04Provision of Personal Information to a Third Party

05Process and Method of Destroying Personal information

06Measures to Ensure Personal Information Security

07Matters Related to Installation, Administration and the Refusal of Devices to Automatically Collect Personal Information

08Rights and Obligations of Information Owners and Legal Representatives and Method of Exercising the Rights

09Entrustment of Personal Information Processing

10Personal Information Protection Manager (in Charge of Addressing Requests Regarding Personal Information)

11Changes to Personal Information Processing Policy

01. Items of Personal Information Processing

The Company collects the personal information of customers, prospective customers,
and other interested parties as follows.

Personal information processing, Items of information processing
Items of
information processing
Customer support
(online inquiry)
  • If an investor is inquiring about an investor relations meeting: Information on the person making the inquiry (name, company name, e-mail address, contact information), information on visitor (name, company name, company profile or visitor’s business card)
  • If a client is inquiring about a product, warranty service, a component, service, security, making suggestions, or making an inquiry at a branch office: Name, e-mail address, contact information

02. Purpose of Processing Personal Information

The Company processes personal information for the following purposes. The personal information process will not be used for any purpose other than the purpose below. If the purpose of the use is changed, we will take necessary measures such as obtain separate consent pursuant to Article 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

Processing personal information, Purpose of information processing
Processing personal information Purpose of information processing
Customer support
(online inquiry)
Addressing requests and grievances

03. Period of Processing and Retaining Personal Information

The Company processes and retains the personal information during the period of retaining and using the personal information, which period is agreed upon when collecting the personal information is collected from the owner of the information.

If the information needs to be preserved in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, the information may be retained for the legally required period.

Personal information processing, Period of processing and retaining the information
Personal information
Period of processing
and retaining the information
Customer support
(online inquiry)
Three years

04. Provision of Personal Information to a Third Party

The Company does not provide to a third party the personal information of the information owner.
The personal information is provided to a third party only in such cases as when the information owner consents to such provision, or the personal information needs to be provided to a third party under Article 17 or Article 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act. If personal information is to be provided to a third party, it will be disclosed in accordance with the Personal Information Processing Policy.

05. Process and Method of Destroying Personal information

If the personal information retention period has elapsed, the purpose of the information processing has been achieved, or it is otherwise not necessary to retain the personal information any more, the Company promptly destroys the relevant personal information. If personal information needs to be preserved otherwise in accordance with the laws and regulations even though the personal information retention period consented to by the information owner has elapsed or the purpose of processing has been achieved, the Company will transfer the personal information to a separate database or store it in a different storage location.

The process and the method of destroying personal information are as follows.

1. Personal information stored in an electronic file format is deleted by a technical method which makes the record unrecoverable.

2. Records, prints, documents and other recording media which are not electronic files are destroyed by shredding or incineration.

06. Measures to Ensure Personal Information Security

The Company is taking the following measures to ensure the security of the personal information.

1. Administrative measures

Minimizing the number of employees who process the personal information; employees training; formulating and implementing an internal management plan

2. Technical measures

Installing and updating a security program, encrypting personal information, storing access records and preventing forgery and alteration, restricting access to personal information

3. Physical measures

Restricting access by an unauthorized person

07. Matters Related to Installation, Administration and the Refusal of Devices to Automatically Collect Personal Information

The Company does not currently operate a device (cookies etc.) which collects the personal information automatically generated in the service use. However, we may install and administer an automatic collection device subsequently if such installation is necessary to provide the service, and the information owner may have an option of installing cookies or refusing to store any cookies.

A. What are Cookies?

Cookies are very small text files which the server which is used to run the website sends to the information owner’s browser. Cookies are stored on the hard disk of the information owner. Thereafter, when the information owner visits the website, the website server reads the contents of the cookies stored on the information owner’s hard disk. The website server uses cookies to maintain the information owner's preferences and provide customized services.

B. Installation, Administration and Refusal of Cookies

An information owner has an option of installing cookies, and can configure settings (allowing, blocking, deletion etc. of cookies) through a web browser option.

  • Allowing and blocking cookies at web browser.
    • 1. Chrome: Web browser settings > Personal information protection and security > Deleting internet use record. 제
    • 2. Edge: Web browser settings > Cookies and site authorization > Managing and deleting cookies and site data.
  • - Permitting and blocking cookies at mobile browser
    • 1. Chrome: Mobile browser settings > Personal information protection and security > Deleting internet use record.
    • 2. Safari: Mobile device settings > Safari > Advanced > Blocking all cookies.
    • 3. Samsung internet: Mobile browser settings > Internet use record > Deleting internet use record.

08. Rights and Obligations of Information Owners and Legal Representatives and Method of Exercising the Rights

An information owner may exercise his or her right and request permission to inspect the personal information at any time, or request the Company to correct, delete or suspend processing of personal information. An information owner can exercise his or her right and make a request through writing, phone, e-mail, facsimile etc. in accordance with Article 41 (1) of the Enforcement Decree of the Personal Information Protection Act, and the Company will promptly take necessary measures.

An information owner can also exercise the right through an agent, such as the information owner's legal representative or a person with authorization. If an information owner exercises the right through an agent, the agent should submit a power of attorney in the form of Attachment no. 11 of the Notice on Personal Information Processing Method.

The right to request inspection etc. may be limited by Article 35(4) and Article 37(2) of the Personal Information Protection Act

An information owner may contact the departments below to request the inspection etc. of personal information.

Department Which Receives Requests for Inspection etc. of Personal Information

  • Department : Brand Strategy Department
  • Contract information : Manager Chung Sunkyung (+82-2-479-7658,

09. Consignment of Personal Information Processing

For the effective processing of personal information, the Company consigns the personal information processing to an external service provider as follows. If the content of the consigned work or the service provider changes, we will promptly disclose it in accordance with the Personal Information Processing through this policy without delay.

Consignee, Consigned work, Period of Retaining and Using Personal Information
Consignee Consigned work Period of Retaining
and Using
Personal Information
Easy Media Maintenance and repair of homepage
(managing personal information)
Until the end of the consignment contract

10. Personal Information Protection Manager (in Charge of Addressing Requests Regarding Personal Information)

The Company is responsible for the general management of the personal information. The Company has designated a personal information protection manager and the department in charge as listed below to handle complaints and provide a remedy for loss to the information owner in relation to personal information processing.

Categories, Personal Information Protection Manager, Department in charge of personal information
Categories Personal Information
Protection Manager
Department in charge
of personal information
/ names
People & Culture Department
/ in general charge of HR Department
People & Culture Department
/ Senior Manager
Names Kim Hyun-rak Park Sang-hak
Phone numbers +82-2-479-7722 +82-2-479-7880
Business hours (Monday ~ Friday) 08:00 ~ 17:00 / (public holidays, Saturday, Sunday) Closed

You may report any personal information protection-related issue which arises while using the Company's services and may report it to the personal information protection manager or the department in charge of the issue. The Company will provide prompt and sufficient responses to a user report. If you need to report or otherwise have consultation about personal information infringement, please contact the organizations below.

  • 1. Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee : (No area code) 1833-6972 (
  • 2. Personal Information Infringement Report Center: (No area code) 118 (
  • 3. Supreme Prosecution Service: (No area code) 1301 (
  • 4. National Police Agency: (No area code) 182 (

11. Changes to Personal Information Processing Policy

This Personal Information Processing Policy will enter into force in october 2024. The previous privacy policy can be found below.